Once upon a time in the mid to late 1900's family time was valued to the fullest, the typical Americans would spend their time bonding and communicating with each other. Family vacations would make this possible, a perfect time to relax and enjoy the pleasures of company.
Today our American society has drastically changed it's focus. Our values have shifted from family to work. The average American is a workaholic, but not usually by choice. Many factors come into play when discussing the reasons why our soiety has changed. The economy and technology are the big two. Most "family vacations" are not vacations at all.
Below are a series of interviews, asking three working husbands about their annual vacations.
Husband #1-Douglas Chittenden
Occupation-Vice President of TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing Inc.
Husband#2-Thomas Chittenden
Occupation- Microbiologist
Huband#3-Jim Flynn
Occupation- Engineer
How many vacations do you take a year?
Two vacations
Three vacations
Three vacations
Do you find yourself continuing to work on vacations? If so Why?
Yes, it is a high level job that comes with a lot of responsibilities.
Occasionally, there is always technology around me such as, computers(emails) and cell phones(emails)
But it also applies to the nature of the work
Yes, because of the demands of the job, and me thinking that the company cannot go on without me.
How long are your vacations? How many paid vacations days due you receive per year?
One to Two weeks, 35 paid vacation days a year
Usually two weeks or less, 25 paid vacation days a year
A week, 5 weeks of paid vacation days a year
Have the amount of your vacations changed over the years?
The company changes it's vacation policies do to the economy, our vacations are a direct effect of the economy.
Vacations have decreased due to college expansives of three children and the busy family schedules.
Recently is it harder to take time off? If so why?
Yes, business more competitive and difficult
Yes, short of staff due to economy
Yes, family expensives
Have people’s vacations reflected a change in American values?
People are working hard than they use to, focusing on work more than family
Less of a line between work and non-work
Are you ever without your cell-phone?
Sometimes, when I’m sleeping
Would you rather live in another country with more paid vacation days?
According to the interviews above our society cannnot afford not to work. Even if some jobs offer more than 13 days of paid vacations, the individual hardly ever takes that to their advantage. Families have busier schedules, most households have both parents working. The idea of vacationing seems almost impossible to the typical American. But when the vacation is possible, it usually involves a constant amount of emails on a blackberry or laptop. It is easy to work during vaction because the communication is so accessible. In some cases, families spend more time talking on their cell-phones than talking to each other. The business world is extremely competitive now a days, and the line between work and non-work is rapidly disappearing.
Good job on this lab. The questions you asked are definitely telling and show that Americans are workaholics. It's sad we never take a break, even when we have the chance to. -Catherine P